Quickleads Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy
Lead packages cannot be refunded for cash. If you wish to cancel the service, you must finish your lead bundle. Quickleads reserves the right to cancel your package and refund you to the value of leads you did not receive if it is deemed to be in the business interest of Quickleads.
Refund Policy
The lead service is a mixed bag. While we do our best to continually improve the quality of our leads, there will be some good leads and some bad ones. Each lead has actively filled out an online form indicating their intention to receive a relevant quote. If you would like to request a refund for a lead, we do have a refund option from within the customer portal. Simply visit your leads page and click the request refund button.
All leads are deemed billable, however you may request refunds in the following circumstances:
- Duplicate leads
- Leads with either no number or a bogus number (i.e. a digit short, it doesn’t exist, 0821234567, 0800000000 etc)
- A job enquiry
- A lead that falls outside your specified Municipality
With regard to township/low income/potentially dangerous area leads. We have put filters in place to prevent leads being sent through from these areas, but they do fall through the cracks. You may request a refund for these leads. We will then make a judgement on our side whether the lead is indeed unworkable. We also provide you the option to “Opt-In” to low income area leads at a lower cost than normal should you wish to receive them.
Escalation Policy
Quickleads accepts three types of payment methods:
EFT, InstantEFT and Credit Card
If you wish to pay via InstantEFT or Credit Card, you must request your invoice through your customer portal, and choose to pay via PayFast.
For EFT payments, we will send you an invoice once you request one through the customer portal. Kindly pay in full, and then send proof of payment to accounts@quickleads.co.za using your invoice number as reference.
Lead Delivery Policy
A lead is deemed to have been delivered if it has been successfully sent to you by sms and it appears in your customer portal. All leads are sent to your normal email address, but we cannot guarantee that these do not get caught up in SPAM filters. Regardless of whether or not the leads arrive in your email inbox, if it has been sent successfully as an sms and shows up in your customer portal, it is considered delivered and will be charged for. While every effort is taken to ensure that lead emails do not get caught by spam filters, if leads do go your spam box and they have been delivered to your cellphone, they are considered delivered. Quickleads will not be held responsible if you provide us with incorrect contact details to send the leads to.
Contacting Your Leads
We have had many cases in the past where our lead buyers do not contact their leads within a reasonable time frame, if at all. Most of our lead generation websites have linked Facebook pages where we receive the bulk of complaints about leads not receiving any responses. This can strongly impact lead volumes and costs. While we do not have a strict policy stating that you must contact every lead, it is clearly in your benefit as well as ours that you contact your leads promptly. In most cases your company will be competing with others, as our leads get sent out to up to 3 companies at a time. Our experience has showed us that those companies that contact all of their leads promptly get the most business, and therefore the highest return on their investment with us.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Forwarding or Reselling your leads
It is strictly against our policies to forward on or re-sell your leads to any third party. You may only pass your leads on to sales staff within your own business, at your particular branch location.
You may not under any circumstances:
- Sell/pass on “spare” leads to a friend
- Sell/pass on leads that are a bit far away from you to a different branch
- Sell/pass on leads that you have already contacted
- Sell/pass on leads that you have not contacted
- Sell/pass on leads at all, unless this is to sales staff within your own business and branch
Every so often Quickleads will submit fake leads in order to detect if/when leads are being sold or passed on. These will not be charged for.
If you are caught giving/selling leads to any third party, you will be permanently banned from our service, forfeiting any deposit you have, and legal action may be taken against you.