The competition amongst small building contractors and home improvement contractors in South Africa is stiff, which means that every  genuine lead generated has to be responded to quickly in order to beat the competition to the sale.

Most home improvement contractors battle to balance the time spent on site with the time needed to generate their own leads, which is unnecessary when you sign up for real-time, live hot leads from Quickleads.

Quickleads has cut out the need for small building contractors and tradesmen to spend a small fortune on bespoke marketing campaigns that seldom yield what they should.

Few small businesses realise that they are paying for wasted clicks and views every time anyone visits their website, which is why Quickleads did in-depth research into finding a way to help small building contractors increase turnover, without the huge expense of online marketing campaigns.

The only thing you pay for when you sign up with Quickleads is enquiries from customers who are looking for the service you provide in the home improvements sector online.

This means that every request for a quotation (which is your lead) that comes via any of the quote requests websites set up, owned or managed by Quickleads, is hot off the press and sent on to you immediately.

Leads are sorted within seconds to ensure that you don’t receive duplicate or dud leads.  Once this is done, your leads will be sent via email and SMS so that you are able to respond to the enquiry on the spot.

Control of your account:

You have absolute control over your Quickleads account online.  Access is easy, no matter where you are, and when you need to pause or resume the account, change industries or areas of operation and update contact details, everything is right there at your fingertips.

The pause or resume option is really handy if you get to a point where you’re so busy that you first need to attend to what’s on your plate, before resuming your Quickleads account.  Of course the guys at Quickleads are very happy to see this type of growth for their customers.

How good are the leads and what do closing rates look like:

There are many customers that have been part of the Quickleads family for over five years, finding that the positive return on investment is so good that they wouldn’t even consider buying leads anywhere else.

The fact that 90% of these customers keep their Quickleads account up to date also speaks to the quality of the leads received by small home improvement contractors.

What to do with these leads:

Quickleads will tell you that to make the most of any fresh lead you need to respond to the enquiry as soon as possible.  If you or your sales team take too long to respond, the lead grows cold and becomes of little or no value to you.

By understanding this principle alone you will have a head start on your competition.

Everything is simplified:

There is absolutely nothing complicated about using a Quickleads lead package!  Payment is easy, instant delivery is guaranteed, total control over your account is a given, and the sales leads are targeted precisely to your needs.

Contact Quickleads today to start increasing your turnover, trusting in the fact that this team works very hard in the background to market your services, using in-depth experience in creating outstanding online marketing campaigns directed at your trade.

Your success is their success, which is why customers keep coming back for quality sales leads from this awesome team!