Introducing SMS Notifications for your leads!
We know that some times you are out on the road and don’t always have access to your emails. We also know that the sooner you respond to a new lead coming in, the better the chance of closing a deal. To that end, we’ve been working on implementing SMS notifications for new incoming leads for some time, and we’ve finally got it up and running.
From now on you will get notified of a new incoming lead by SMS straight to your cellphone as well as the traditional email. In order to be able to fit the details into one SMS, we have had to stick to just the bare essential details such as the name and phone number of the lead. The full details will always still be available through the email notifications we already send.
The service as it stands has been rolled out already for all existing customers for whom we have cell phone numbers available.
We have tested this service internally for some time, but if you experience any problems or are not receiving your SMS notifications, please let us know.